Monday, 19 December 2011

Holiday Hiatus

The scant 8 hours of daylight are seriously taxing my holiday cheer not to mention my writing mojo.  It took me a long time to get into the spirit and I can’t say that I am completely there, but I am trying.  The house is suitably dressed, but I’m not feeling it this year. 

I do sometimes feel as though the Christmas season gets undue attention.  I’m not saying I don’t enjoy the holiday season, but I do feel a bit sorry for other holidays that don’t get nearly as much build-up or domestic attention.  Silly and ridiculous? Perhaps.  But I can’t help feeling that Christmas is the beautiful, popular, impossibly smart and nice and funny older sister to all the other holidays and constantly stealing focus.  Through no fault of its own, of course. 
Despite this feeling, I have decked our halls and created a modest pile of gifts and menu for two.  I have watched Love Actually at least twice and finally caught The Christmas Story on TV this weekend.  I turn on the fairy lights in the kitchen and living room first thing to inject a little magic into the grey (yet no snow) days and attempt a little work. 
It was a long and hard year.  Different from the work of 2010, but hard work nonetheless.  As the year starts to wrap up I find I am prepared, if not a little frightened, for the year to come.  I feel as though there are big changes ahead.  These are exciting and scary.  As all new years and changes should be, I think.  But the excitement and butterflies lies with me.  I have the power to pull these things off, or to hide under the duvet and watch the slip away.  As wonderful as my duvet is, I think it is time I do a bit of work.  The loveliness of the duvet will be all sweeter when used a bit more sparingly.
This will not be easy, I will flail numerous times.  It’s my patented process.  But as greedy as it sounds, I want a bit more.  I have a lovely marriage and a lovely, albeit small, home and lovely degrees and lovely passport stamps and increasingly better health, but I want a smidge more for the next year.   That’s all on me. 

That being said, the holiday hiatus here will continue at least until the New Year.  There are a few ends that need to be woven into the 2011 afghan to make it a clean finish.  That means a bit of a rush to the finish, but I always do my best work under pressure (perhaps a skill that I shouldn’t cultivate as much as I do.) 
Happy Holidays to all and in case I don’t get back in time, here’s to a very Happy and Healthy End of Year and New Year!!! 

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