Monday, 18 July 2011

6 and 31

6.  Finish our wedding album
31.  Write about our wedding

These are two items on my Life List. Not the most earth-shattering or thought-provoking or exciting, but they did make it on the Life List and not the to-do list, so they must be significant. 
Today I am crossing them off.  I haven’t made a wedding album, beyond stuffing some proofs into a beautiful album given to us by my dear friend Vino Momma, but that wasn’t really what the list item was about.  It was about moving on from the expectations that the wedding day brings with it and that I wasn’t prepared to deal with after it was all over.  The album was suppose to be a celebration of the wedding.  But it was one day.  I can’t relive and celebrate and/or obsess about that one day over and over.  I have finally learned that putting so much emphasis on one day is unhealthy, for me.  I have the predisposition to dwell.  Dwelling on my failure and past successes keeps me from dwelling in my present life.  I am trying to learn the lessons from the past failures, enjoy the memory of the past successes, but accept that they are in the past and done. 
A few weeks ago I wrote about our anniversary photo shoot.  I wrote about how our anniversary was a turning point for me.  It marked a change in focus for me and it was incredibly freeing. 

Today, those photos and my words are over at Rock My Wedding.  Go take another look, I'll wait.

I didn’t write about our wedding in the way I thought I would, and I probably won’t ever make that wedding album, but I am ready to move on from these Life List items.  There are more important items to get started.  Those T-shirts won’t cut and sew themselves into a quilt.

Special thanks to Dasha for taking the beautiful photos and encouraging me to write about them and a big thanks to the crew at Rock My Wedding for including them in their beautiful and fun website.  And, as always, a ginormous thank you to my hubby, just in general.

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