Tuesday, 5 April 2011

A Lost Weekend

I owe you a housewife report but I was busy pulling my mum out of traffic this weekend.  We spent the weekend showing Mum around our little patch of London.  We walked over Tower Bridge, shopped at Borough Market, and then stayed close to home in Greenwich and Blackheath.  The weather cooperated for the most part.  Yesterday was a bit chilly and we returned to the house quickly (just in time for the sun to come out). So all in all, a successful weekend. 
Mum was here for my graduation.  I am finally finished with the PhD process.  It was anti-climatic, which is par for the course.  There were only three PhDs walking in my ceremony.  All women. One was genuinely excited and interested to hear what we all did and what we were doing now. The other was dismissive of my particular project and current lack of academic work (I said I was working on a book). It put me off for the rest of the day and I wasn’t able to enjoy this moment.  I know it was her own problem, but at that moment, the last thing you want to hear is someone dismissing all your hard work.  I tried very hard to move past the back-handed comments. I turned my attention to the musically performance. One particular song struck me, “Send in the Clowns.” I don’t know who picks the music for the ceremony or if it was the same music at the four ceremonies that weekend, but I couldn’t help but think it was connected to my project title.  It seemed such a coincidence. It probably is, but I enjoyed thinking that it was for me.  I have to admit I welled-up at bit during the performance.
As it came time to cross the stage, I tried to stay in the moment and enjoy this last part of the process.  And then it was over.  It’s all over.
What next?
Well, I have to get back on the WW track.  I haven’t been tracking these last few weeks and it has been a bit of a yo-yo.  Along with that it is back to my running and yoga routine. I also am back to my writing, hopefully.  I sent off a chapter for an edited book the day before Mum arrived. I have a meeting on Thursday about editing a colleague’s manuscript. I have another chapter for another book due in August.  My dad has just finished a draft of his screenplay and wants my notes. None of this is paying (or at least not much) but I hope it is leading somewhere.  I will also be working a bit harder on the blog.  I have been lazy as of late. I would like to think that there is more to my life than dieting and cleaning and I will try to make the blog reflect that.  I haven’t given up on attempting a book from the research, but I’m still in the thinking stage of that project. 
But now my attention is turning to a jean skirt and a birthday.  I have been saving pairs of jeans to make a skirt since before Christmas.  It is time. This is the season.  It is also time to turn my attention to my partner in crime.  It is time to celebrate him and his 30 years on this earth. 

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