Christmas came and went. It was a low-key event in our house. Blissfully low-key.
Our gifts to each other were small this year, but very meaningful. Very grown-up. Like kitchen appliances and underwear grown-up. And we loved it.
The new year came in a bit sedate as well. We bought two bottles of Champers and were ‘gifted’ another. They are still chilling in the frigidaire. I had grand plans to saber off the cork on our back deck in my sparkly dress or hiking up to the Observatory and watching the Southbank fireworks from the Meridian. Instead, it pissed down rain and I succumbed to a cold. I was in bed by 10. DY-NO-MITE!!!
However, before the year went out with a whimper, we did get to review and we decided it was one hellava good time. We re-did our honeymoon and wedding/anniversary photos, we fell in love with Greenwich a bit more, Pete did well at work, we got a lot healthier, we finally went to Morocco and I started volunteering at a place I love. There were low points, but there were really high ones as well. We are choosing to focus on the peaks. It is from the peaks that we can see the future, our future.
We made some goals/resolutions for the next year. (FYI, we totally rocked last year’s resolutions!) We made big scary, exciting goals and mundane practical ones and silly fun ones.
Most of which I am going to keep between Pete and I. In fact, I am going to keep a lot more between just Pete and I.
Have no fear. I am still full of stories. They will still be told. However, they will be told a little less frequently but hopefully with a higher quality.
The Chronicles of a Reluctant Housewife will continue. One of my ambitions is to write a column so I am working with what I got, and with all the kitchen gadgets I received from Santa, there are definitely mishaps on the horizons. I also changed my name this Christmas. It took me a year and a half to come to the decision. I’m guessing there are a few ladies out there (maybe men too) that will be interested in the process. Of course, it isn’t ‘official’ yet, but that will also be part of the story.
I will also be reviving Tuesday Fit Day on an occasional basis. Maintaining my physical and mental health is one of my mundane practical resolutions (or non-goal) for the coming year. It was a hard slog to get to this good place and it is a daily mindful practice to maintain. The Bloggess is a champion for bringing light into those low point, those valleys, that make it impossible to see a future. I would like to assist that endeavour and try to produce a little light.
So it begins…
I always find the low-key the best--- our New Years was very similar, but I somehow managed to see midnight (barely). Let's here it for new goals and a new year! (And your anniversary shots are GORGEOUS!)